Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Curtain Rod Solution

I am not sure how many of you are familiar with Pinterest but it is one of our guilty pleasures.... any ways we have found some really awesome ideas for interesting/original curtain rods. Here is what you would need for this project:
  • Acetone
  • Rust-oleum Universal Satin Black Spray Paint
  • Black Iron Pipe cut to your measurements (make sure it is threaded on both ends) most big box hardware store will cut and thread this for you.
  • Short threaded connectors, Floor plate, 90 degree elbow
  • Old rag
  • Gloves
(All of the products we used can be purchased at any hardware store)

Step one: Assemble pipe

Step two: Wipe down the pipe with the acetone using an old rag (you can see below the residue that will come off of the pipe). Make sure you wear gloves because the acetone can be harmful to your hands.

Step three: Wait until materials are fully dry then, spray pipe with paint, we prefer to use the Rust-oleum universal satin finish paint. It sticks the best to the material and it only takes two coats.


Step four: Hang pipe approximately 6 - 8 inches from top of window. We attached the pipe curtain rod using dry wall screws. You will want to put the curtain on the rod PRIOR to hanging it otherwise you will have to take it down and rehang it like we did! We were a little excited and jumped the gun!

Make sure to purchase curtains with big enough grommets to slide on the pipe. These curtains were purchased on sale at Bed Bath & Beyond. We used a 20% coupon so the pair was purchased for around $30. Because this room is going to be bedroom we chose curtains that were lined to help with light pollution during sleeping :) Here is the final product!

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